Net Zero: Now is the Time!
When you see companies as diverse as O2, GSK and Brewdog matching the Net Zero environmental ambition of the Extinction Rebellion you know that times are changing.
Earlier this year O2 announced the most ambitious plans to be Net Zero by 2025.
Last week BrewDog published concrete plans not only to be Net Zero but to be carbon negative. We’re not sure if the term carbon negative or carbon-reducing or even ‘Negging’ will stick, but it’s a great initiative. This is our approach too.

This approach can be applied to any business big or small.
- Measure your footprint
- Make concrete plans to reduce your footprint with SMART goals.
- Plant trees to compensate in the short term.
This week GSK announced plans to become Net Zero by 2030 too. They’ve realised that their mission to make healthy people needs to ensure a healthy planet for those people to inhabit.
As GSK CEO Emma Walmsley, said, “As a global healthcare company, we want to play our full part in protecting and restoring the planet’s health, in order to protect and improve people’s health. Improving the environmental sustainability of our business also makes us more resilient, protecting our operations, so we can deliver the products that patients and consumers rely on.”
In fact, thanks to the efforts of the organisation Science Based Targets over 1000 companies from across Europe have signed up. Check the list on their website and see if your organisation has signed up to back the emissions reductions the scientists are recommending and if not go and ask your management team why not.
As these large organisations are finding the business benefits of measuring and reducing your emissions are clear:
- Minimise waste and costs
- Improve employee satisfaction/engagement
- Gain a competitive advantage by reassuring your customers that your operations aren’t harming the planet we all share.
All these benefits apply regardless of the size of your business.